Dice and Dreary

Dice and Cheery: Winter by Witchlight pt 2

Episode Summary

Welcome to Dice & Cherry: Winter by Witchlight. When we last left our heroes they were exploring the Witchlight Carnival, partaking in funnel cakes, and pie eating contests. We join them now as they get down to business

Episode Notes

Danika Martikov - Jen is the co-host of the podcast Vanished, the Host of In Defense of Liberty  and an investigator on The Order of Podcasters

Blinsky - Jake goes by Thrashputin on the discords and the Instagrams for pictures of his videogames, cats and dogs

Davian Martikov - Jeff is the DM for Dice and Dreary

Dungeon Master - Paul is the GM for Order of Podcasters and is the host of the Retro Station podcast.